Refund Policy

  • What is the refund policy?

    Return & Refund Policy The subscription/package amount can only be refunded within 1 week from the date of payment. In case the time exceeds 1 week, the return of services and refund of the payment is not allowed.
    The subscription/package payment cannot be refunded if the users are unable to close any projects. Even if no or zero projects are closed by users/photographers, the subscription amount will not be refunded. It needs to be understood that Picnara is a lead provider and does not have any liability with respect to finalizing of the photography projects. Picnara runs offers from time to time under the Minimum Business Guarantee program wherein if the user/photographer is unable to earn a pre-defined sum of money, he or she is eligible for a partial refund. However, to be eligible for the refund, following conditions need to be met and adhered to-? • The photographer should utilize all the applications mentioned in the subscription package. For ex., if the total number of applications provided in a subscription is 200, the photographer should have applied to all 200 assignments/leads. • The photographer should maintain the response of each of the clients whom he has contacted. • Each of the clients will be contacted and the response of the clients will be matched to the one given by the photographer. • The photographer should not apply on enquiries simply for the reason of getting the refund and should make genuine efforts to finalize the leads provided to him or her. • After satisfying all of the above conditions if there is a refund applicable, the refund amount will be ascertained in the following manner – Example – ?Applications provided – 200 Assignments applied – 200 Minimum Business Guarantee – 2,00,000 Total Revenue Made – 1,00,000 Subscription cost (GST Incl.) - Rs.20,000 Refund = 20000/ (1.18*200)* 100 = Rs.8474.5